Intelligens űrlap

Intelligens űrlap súgó
Az alábbi űrlappal segíteni szeretnénk Önnek annak eldöntésében, hogy panasza vizsgálatára az alapvető jogok biztosának van-e törvényben biztosított lehetősége.

Ha először csupán az ombudsman eljárási lehetőségeiről szeretne bővebb tájékoztatást kapni, úgy kattintson a TÁJÉKOZTATÓ ​​​​​​​oldalra. Ott az ombudsman eljárási lehetőségeiről, illetve annak korlátairól részletes információt talál.

Amennyiben kitölti az űrlapot, megtudhatja, hogy az Ön által sérelmezett esetben az alapvető jogok biztosának van-e vizsgálati lehetősége, vagy tud-e Önnek tanácsot adni annak előmozdítására.

Interactive form

Note: Non-exhaustive list of authorities:
– a public administration organ;
– a local government;
– a nationality self-government;
– a public body with mandatory membership,
– the Hungarian Defense forces;
– a law enforcement organ,
– any other organ of public administration competence, acting in this capacity;
– an investigation authority or an investigation organ of the Prosecution Services;
– a notary public;
– a bailiff of the court or an independent bailiff.

Note: Non-exhaustive list of organs performing public services:
– organs performing state or local government tasks and/or participating in the performance thereof,
– public utility providers,
– universal providers,
– organizations participating in the granting or intermediation of state or European Union subsidies,
– organizations performing activities described in a legal regulation as public service, and
– organizations performing public service which is prescribed in a legal regulation and to be mandatorily availed of.

Note: The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights may suggest to the Constitutional Court the review of legal regulations as to their conformity with the Fundamental Law.

Note: Exceptional inquiry If, on the basis of the complaint, it may be presumed that the activity or failure to act of an organisation not qualifying as authority gravely infringes the fundamental rights of a larger group of natural persons, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights may proceed at his discretion.

If you think your complaint does not meet any of the aforementioned criteria, or you do not know the answer, or you are simply asking for legal advice, please, click on „Skip to the Form’s end”

Note: At the end of the Form you will have the opportunity to explain the case in connection with which you are requesting the help of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and his Deputies responsible for the protection of the interests of future generations and for the rights of nationalities are closely monitoring the enforcement of the interests of future generations and the rights of nationalities living in Hungary.

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Note: Possible reasons for the Commissioner’s refusal to proceed:
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights may not conduct inquiries into the activities of
- the Parliament,
- the President of the Republic,
- the Constitutional Court,
- the State Audit Office,
- the courts and
- the Prosecution Service, with the exception of the investigative organs of the Prosecution Service.
The Commissioner may not proceed
• if a final administrative decision has been made in the case, after one year from the notification thereof.
• in connection with proceedings that started before 23 October 1989.
• in cases where court proceedings have been started for the review of the decision or where a final court decision has been rendered.
• if the person filing the petition has not revealed his/her identity and without this the inquiry cannot be conducted.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall reject a petition if
• it does not meet the above requirements,
• it is manifestly unfounded,
• a repeatedly submitted petition does not contain new facts or data on the substance, or
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights may reject a petition if
• it has been submitted anonymously, or
• in his/her judgement, the impropriety referred to in the petition is of minor importance.

Note: It is important that you know:
• The proceedings of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights are not bound by a 30 days administration period.
• In the course of his proceedings the Commissioner acts independently, within the frameworks specified by the Fundamental Law and the relevant statutes. In case he discovers, in the course of his proceedings, any improprieties infringing on constitutional rights, in order to remedy those improprieties he may submit his proposal to the authority concerned or its supervisory authority, to a public service body or legislative forum.
• No one shall suffer any disadvantage for turning to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.