Press releases - AJBH-EN
The message of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on Human Rights Day
As the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights stated, on 10 December 2019, we celebrate Human Rights Day and the thoughts based on respect for human dignity and dialogue. While nowadays there are many important debates over the substance of human rights, this turmoil of ideas should not make us forget about our common values, the role of good examples and the communities’ engagement. For legal protection starts with taking responsibility based on the awareness of our rights.
2019. december. 10.
Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the maternity wards undergoing refurbishment
Within the framework of the Family-Friendly Obstetrics Application Programme, as of 2018, hospitals have become able to apply for subsidies intended to be used for developing family-friendly obstetrics or neonatal intensive care units. As a result, several investments have begun. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights calls upon the heads of healthcare institutions to pay particular attention to ensure patients’ rights during the reconstruction works.
2019. október. 31.
Ákos Kozma: I would like to be the ombudsman of the people
Budapest, Thursday 26 September 2019 (MTI) Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Ákos Kozma – who took office this Thursday – would like to work particularly on solving the problems of people turning to the Ombudsman and protecting the rights of children and vulnerable groups. In his interview given to the Hungarian News Agency he also emphasized that he wishes to preserve the independent and non-political nature of the ombudsman institution.
2019. szeptember. 26.
Preparation of Government Decision about Joining the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure Begins at Ombudsman’s Initiative
Currently, Hungary is not yet party to the Optional Protocol to the 30-year-old Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure. It is thus a significant development that upon Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely’s appeal, the Minister of State for Family and Youth Affairs at the Ministry of Human Capacities has indicated: they have begun to prepare the decision necessary for Hungary’s joining the optional protocol.
2019. június. 06.
Equal and More Equal? The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights’ View on the Effect of a Local Government Decree
The local government ordered a ban on changes on recently purchased, undeveloped land. However, the same ban does not apply to the adjacent plot in local government ownership. During his inquiry regarding the petition on the matter, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights established that a ban imposed in such a manner runs counter to the requirement of equal rights stipulated by the Fundamental Law of Hungary. Therefore László Székely has appealed to the local government concerned as well as to the county-level government commissioner.
2019. június. 05.
Statement by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and his Deputies on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
On May 17, 1990, homosexuality was deleted from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that from this day, sexual orientation which is different from the mainstream does not qualify as a disorder.
2019. május. 17.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Turns to the Constitutional Court to Solve the Constitutional Law Issue concerning the Operation of the National Judicial Council
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights proposed that the Constitutional Court interpret Paragraphs (5) and (6), Article 25 of the Fundamental Law of Hungary to solve the constitutional law issue concerning the operation of the National Judicial Council.
2019. március. 22.
Ombudsman for Future Generations to Reduce Noise pollution Caused by Air Traffic
Ombudsman for Future Generations Gyula Bándi encourages the creation of a legal and incentive system that guarantees the peace of the citizens at night in order to systematically reduce the noise pollution caused by the dynamically increasing air traffic
in Hungary, which already generates mass-scale complaints filed by the citizens, and asks the competent minister to conduct a comprehensive review of the legal regulation of air transport.
2019. február. 22.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the Practice of Rooming-In
The principle of the rule of law and that of the best interests of the child, as well as the right to respect for family life are violated by all such hospital practices in the course of which newborn babies are separated from their mothers during postnatal hospital treatment, disregarding the statutory guarantees, without any medical reasons and in contrary to specific requests. Ombudsman László Székely consulted the competent ministry for the elaboration of the right legal interpretation and rules of procedures.
2019. február. 15.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Turned to the Constitutional Court Regarding the 2017 Amendment of the Forest Act
On the proposal of his Deputy-Commissioner for Future Generations Gyula Bándi, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely reviewed the provisions of the Forest Act amended in 2017 and turned to the Constitutional Court with constitutional concerns.
2019. február. 11.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Day of National Minorities
It was 26 years ago, on December 18, 1992 that the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. Commemorating this decision, which was a milestone from the aspect of international law and for society too, the Day of National Minorities has been celebrated on December 18 every year since 1995. In addition to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1992, this UN declaration was the first comprehensive international document which specifically called the attention of the states to the protection of the identities of national minorities as a value to be held in high esteem. It made provisions, among others, on the right of national minorities to their own culture and education in their respective mother tongues, on their meaningful participation in the decision-making on matters affecting the national minorities, as well as the possibility for them to keep contact with their mother countries freely and across borders.
2019. január. 04.
Communication of the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities on the renovation of the building complex of the elementary school in Tarnazsadány
The opening ceremony of the renovated building complex of the elementary school in Tarnazsadány took place on 29 November 2018. The project of 130 million HUF in total had been initiated by the maintaining institutions, the headmaster as well as the ombudsman and the deputy ombudsman for the rights of national minorities. The renovation has been badly needed for decades, however this time not only the sanitary unit attached to the main building has been renovated but also the windows and doors were changed, the classrooms were insulated and the roof has been fixed.
2018. december. 04.