Press releases - AJBH-EN
Opening event of the project entitled ‘Losers of the Crisis – in the Captivity of Legal Regulations'
Within the framework of the project entitled ‘The Losers of the Crisis' the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights is conducting a comprehensive inquiry of what phenomena and symptoms related to fundamental rights are brought about by this hard and critical period of economic, social and global crises; of the treatment of the uncovered problems and conflicts within the framework of the protection by state institutions; and of how eventually uncovered improper practices related to fundamental rights or the deficiencies and contradictions of the relevant legal background can be remedied with the Ombudsman's instruments for rights protection.
2012. április. 11.
No legal aid in the case of constitutional complaints – the Ombudsman has filed a petition with the Constitutional Court
It is contrary to the Fundamental Law that pursuant to the Act on Legal Aid persons submitting a constitutional complaint may not receive legal aid – the Ombudsman has found on the basis of the petition of an individual. Máté Szabó has requested the Constitutional Court to examine whether the relevant provision is in compliance with the prohibition of discrimination and the obligation of the State to promote equality of opportunities, both laid down in the Fundamental Law, and whether they are not infringing the right to effective legal remedy.
2012. március. 22.
The Hungarian Deputy-Commissioner for Future Generations, Mr. Sándor Fülöp sent a message of support to the meeting at the London House of Commons.
The British Green House Think Tank has launched its latest report Guardians of the Future at a packed meeting at the London House of Commons on 10th January 2012. The report argues that we need a specialist jury of Guardians to protect the interests of future generations, who are disenfranchised within our existing political system. The Hungarian ombudsman for Future Generations, Mr. Sándor Fülöp sent a message of support to the meeting, this message can be downloaded here : Ombudsman
Further infromation on the initiative:
2012. március. 22.
Petition of the Ombudsman to the Constitutional Court concerning the Transitional Provisions of the Fundamental Law
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights is of the opinion that the Transitional Provisions of the Fundamental Law adopted by Parliament in December 2011 in a separate document gravely violate the principle of the rule of law, may cause problems of interpretation and endanger the unity and operation of the legal system. According to Máté Szabó it raises concern that the Transitional Provisions contain, in many instances, rules that are obviously not of a transitional character. The Ombudsman has requested the Constitutional Court to examine whether the Transitional Provisions comply with the requirements of the rule of law laid down in the Fundamental Law.
2012. március. 14.
The Equal Opportunities Regulation of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
The Equal Opportunities Regulation of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
2012. március. 14.
Infringement of the right to peaceful assembly – the findings of the Ombudsman concerning the police handling of two demonstrations in Budapest
The fact that protesters conducting a sit-down strike in the Mayor's Office in the 8th district of Budapest were taken to the police station was contrary to the right to peaceful assembly and to the right to liberty of the person. Instead of facilitating the resolution of conflicts between the people demonstrating in front of the building of the Public Service Television and the institution, the police have not even made an attempt at the resolution of the conflict and have thereby infringed the right to assembly and freedom of expression.
2012. március. 14.
Work plan for the protection of the rights of nationalities in the reorganised Office of the Ombudsman
Ernő Kállai, the Deputy Ombudsman responsible for the Protection of the Rights of Nationalities living in Hungary makes plans for the next year and a half and builds upon the experience of the past years. Extracts of the recently finalised plans:
2012. február. 08.
The challenges of the 21st century and modern methods for crowd control by the police – international practice and domestic reality
The Hungarian police are not yet prepared for the info-communications challenges of the 21st century – this has been revealed in an international project which focuses on elaborating new methods for dealing with demonstrations by the police. The staff of the Ombudsman have been actively participating in the GODIAC project for two years already, and they are making use of newly acquired information for studying demonstrations in Hungary.
2012. február. 06.
The sanctioning of dustbin scavenging is stigmatisation and a disproportionate restriction without any constitutional ground - the Ombudsman's comments on the Constitutional Court's decision On the Methods of Inquiry of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights has received the Constitutional Court's decision, in which it acceded to the motion of Máté Szabó and annulled with immediate effect a local government decree of Kaposvár which made dustbin scavenging a regulatory offence. The Commissioner expressed his hope that other organs affected by similar cases will not await a further negative ruling of the Constitutional Court.
2012. február. 03.
New tasks in a new organisation: Extracts from the work plan of the Deputy Commissioner for Future Generations On the Methods of Inquiry of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
Besides finishing his inquiries started last year, Sándor Fülöp has drawn up the tasks partly for his own secretariat, and partly for the Office of the Ombudsman, which is already a unified office in accordance with the relevant Act of Parliament
2012. február. 03.
Hungary: New Organisation-New Methods of Investigation On the Methods of Inquiry of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights
The normative instructions on the professional rules and methods of the inquiries of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights have been drawn up. The restructuring of the organisation of the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights has started in accordance with the provisions of the new Act. Independently of this internal reorganisation, the Office's system of receiving complaints functions without interruption.
2012. január. 12.
The Ombudsman turns to the Constitutional Court to protect the rights of the homeless people
According to the views of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Civil Rights, the new regulation (the Act on the shaping and protection of built environment, 2010) enables the use of boarder police actions on public places against homeless people - thus criminalizing the homeless people – cannot match the Hungarian constitutional and the European human rights norms.
2011. december. 08.