Press releases - AJBH-EN
Why only in the presence of a witness of full age? – The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the delivery of registered mail to blind and partially-sighted persons
By default, Magyar Posta [the Hungarian postal service] allows the delivery of registered mail to blind and partially-sighted persons only in the presence of a witness of full age. According to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, this practice is in violation of the right to equal dignity and the country’s international human rights commitments. Ombudsman László Székely has requested the competent ministries and the President & CEO of Magyar Posta to work out a solution that would respect the right of self-determination of those concerned.
2018. február. 02.
The Ombudsman on the fundamental-right-breaching breakdown of an adoption procedure
Inquiring into an adoption case involving a same-sex couple, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights has established the violation of the right to due process and the principle of equal treatment. According to László Székely, the child protection guardian has made an arbitrary decision, and the guardianship authority has made an omission. In the Ombudsman’s opinion, certain rules of adoption have to be revised, that is why he has requested the competent ministry to take the necessary measures.
2017. november. 23.
Message of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the Universal Children's Day
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely thinks that children’s rights are not holiday decorations that should only be dusted off on the occasion of anniversaries but they are, if you like, “everyday articles for use”. The Ombudsman regards the universal message of the Convention on the Rights of the Child as one that is topical today, as the rights therein should be protected on as high a level as possible. For this, we need to be able to actively listen to each other, to learn from experiences and critical remarks, and we should also find the best compromises.
2017. november. 20.
The Ombudsman for Future Generations welcomes the Constitutional Court’s guidance on state-level nature protection
The Ombudsman for Future Generations deems it a key development in nature protection that the Constitutional Court has comprehensively examined, for the first time ever, the legal requirements of the preservation of biological diversity, in its decision concerning the legal issues related to the privatization of state-owned lands in the Natura 2000 network. Based on the earlier Constitutional Court decisions, the international treaties, as well as the joint professional opinion of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Ombudsman for Future Generations, by taking the latest findings of natural sciences into account, the Constitutional Court defined the framework of the state’s obligations related to nature protection, thus setting objective requirements for the nature protection activities of the state.
2017. október. 19.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the Croatian Independence Day
October 8, the Croatian Independence Day is an important holiday not only in Croatia but also, for the Croatians living all over the world, including those in Hungary. It was on this day in 1991 that a significant step in the disintegration of Yugoslavia was taken, i.e. it was then that the Parliament of the independent Croatia started working. Due to the one thousand years of intertwined history of the Croatian and Hungarian nations, this holiday also offers us Hungarians an opportunity to commemorate the close and brotherly relations between our countries and nations.
2017. október. 10.
Workshop and exhibition in the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the promulgation of the European Landscape Convention
Commemorating the tenth anniversary of the promulgation of the European Landscape Convention, the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Office of the Minister of State for the Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture jointly organized a workshop on the Convention’s implementation. On this occasion, Ombudsman for Future Generations Gyula Bándi opened the exhibition “For the Preservation of Our Landscape Heritage”, displaying the best Hungarian practices of community landscape use adapted to the local conditions. The exhibition is open to the general public until November 10.
2017. október. 04.
Statement by the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the Day of German Unity
Celebrating the Day of German Unity on October 3, we commemorate not only the 1990 reunification of a European nation divided by the cold war and power politics, cut in two by a wall, but also the positive role that the German people played in the years following World War II, contributing to the rebirth of the European idea, the strengthening and uniting of the continent. Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Schmidt, and Helmut Kohl will all go down both in German and European history as major political actors of the 20th Century.
2017. október. 03.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the European Day of Languages
At the initiative of the Council of Europe, on September 26 each year we celebrate the European Day of Languages. As the deputy commissioner for the rights of national minorities in Hungary, I find this day as one of special importance, as it focuses on the linguistic diversity of our continent.
2017. szeptember. 27.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the celebration of the Bulgarian Day of Independence
As the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities in Hungary, I find it very important to commemorate those holidays which are of key significance to the national communities living in Hungary with regard to strengthening their ties to their mother countries and preserving their identities. Today, we would also like to remember and remind you of such an important event.
2017. szeptember. 22.
Statement of the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy
September 15 was declared the International Day of Democracy by the UN General Assembly with a unanimous decision in November 2007. The fulfillment of the process of democratization and the unconditional respect for human rights should be the unquestioned and common values of all the UN member states. In Hungary, the National Assembly declared September 15 the International Day of Democracy in 2008.
2017. szeptember. 15.
Statement of the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy
September 15 was declared the International Day of Democracy by the UN General Assembly with a unanimous decision in November 2007. The fulfillment of the process of democratization and the unconditional respect for human rights should be the unquestioned and common values of all the UN member states. In Hungary, the National Assembly declared September 15 the International Day of Democracy in 2008.
2017. szeptember. 15.