Press releases - AJBH-EN
Every Child Counts– A Message from the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on Universal Children’s Day
Each child and the rights of each child count, reminds us Commissioner for Fundamental Rights László Székely of the statement underlying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on Universal Children’s Day. Dr. Székely also calls our attention to that children are not small adults, they are not mere instruments or objectives, they are not simple statistical figures but humans with their own rights, dignity, free will, personality and developing character. It is a one of today’s key challenges to give them a carefree childhood.
2018. november. 20.
Statement of National Minorities Ombudsman on the Greek national holiday
October 28 is an important holiday not only in the life of the citizens of Greece but also, for the members of the Greek national community living in other countries of Europe, including Hungary. On this day, we remember the day of 78 years ago when the then Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas said no to the military ultimatum given to him by Mussolini, which would have equaled the occupation of Greece. It was in this way that Greece entered the World War on the Allies’ side. Although the firm and brave decision of the Greeks, then the Greek victory in the ensuing Greek-Italian war could not prevent the subsequent German occupation of the country, it still played a significant role in the victory of the Allied Powers in the Second World War and October 28 has ever since been a symbol of the Greek national consciousness, bravery and perseverance.
2018. október. 28.
The Ombudsman for future generations on the deadlines for approval of wells drilled without a permit
In the interest of maintaining legal certainty, Ombudsman for future generations Gyula Bándi requests the Government and the Parliament to take immediate measures to reasonably extend the deadlines for the penalty-free approval of wells drilled without a permit.
2018. október. 12.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Month of Serbian Culture in Hungary
The Month of Serbian Culture in Hungary, which is now organized for the ninth time, commenced on September 7, 2018 with an opening ceremony and a classical music concert presenting the works of the Buda-born Serbian composer Péter Sztojánovits. The rich series of events closing on October 5 offered a wide selection of Serbian folklore, church music, jazz, theatrical art and contemporary poetry but Belgrade also introduced itself to the audience by some touristic programs. The journey on the “Pest Literatary Omnibus” was a special element of the program series, which showed the places of Budapest connected with Serbia through poems. Thus, in addition to presenting the culture of Serbia, the program offered an opportunity for showing the values of the Serbian community living in Hungary, as well as their activities aimed at preserving their identity and cultivating their traditions.
2018. október. 08.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Day
On October 5, 1981, Raoul Wallenberg was awarded posthumous honorary US citizenship by the Congress of the United States of America. On every October 5 since 1989, we have commemorated Raoul Wallenberg, the savior of humans, one of the heroes of the Second World War, who is a genuine role model for the generations that follow.
2018. október. 05.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the Day of German Unity
Almost three decades have passed since, pressured by the East German demonstrators demanding freedom and democracy, and also as a result of the changes in the international political climate, the wall which separated the two parts of Berlin for 28 years was torn down. This made it clear, symbolically too, that it was not only the artificially divided Germany but also, Europe, which was divided on the basis of political ideologies and the interests of great powers, was ripe for change. The speeded-up historical events brought about such changes in a few months which were inconceivable before, or were only hoped for in the distant future. On August 31, 1990, the Treaty on the Reunification of Germany was signed, and Germany once again became one single country on October 3.
2018. október. 03.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the occasion of the European Day of Languages
At the initiative of the Council of Europe, since 2001, on September 26 each year we celebrate the European Day of Languages. As the deputy commissioner for the rights of national minorities in Hungary, I find this day as one of special importance, as it focuses on the linguistic diversity of our continent.
2018. szeptember. 26.
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights stands up for clarifying the legal obligations and legal consequences related to prenatal care
It is contradictory and not clearly defined which screening and laboratory tests are obligatory as part of prenatal care, the failure to do which may even involve serious legal consequences. This was concluded by Ombudsman László Székely from his ex officio inquiry, so he requested that the regulation be made unambiguous, and that the current, worrisome practices be terminated.
2018. szeptember. 11.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Occasion of the Independence Day of the Ukraine
August 24, the Independence Day of the Ukraine is an important holiday not only for those living in the mother country but also, for our Ukrainian compatriots living in Hungary: it was on this day in 1991 that our neighbors declared independence, which was supported by the overwhelming majority of the citizens who were entitled to vote at the referendum.
2018. augusztus. 24.
Statement of the Deputy Comissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Occasion of the International Memorial Day of the Roma Genocide During the Holocaust
On the night of August 2, 1944, the members of the National Socialist police state organization murdered approximately three thousand Roma children, women and men at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. Pursuant to the 1972 decision of the Paris Congress of the World Roma Organization, it is on August 2 that we commemorate the European and Hungarian Roma victims who were persecuted and murdered for their ethnic origin in the Second World War.
2018. augusztus. 07.
Statement of the Deputy Comissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on the Succes of the European Minority Safepack Initiative
On July 31, 2018, the President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities, i.e. FUEN) Mr. Lóránt Vincze announced that the European citizens’ initiative launched by the organization and entitled Minority SafePack Initiative (officially called Minority SafePack – One Million Signatures for Diversity in Europe) had officially become successful.
2018. augusztus. 06.