The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Paid a Visit to the National Police Headquarters

On 14 April 2020, Dr. Ákos Kozma paid a visit to the Operations Management Centre of the National Police Headquarters. The Ombudsman was received by Lieutenant General and National Chief of Police Dr. János Balogh, and Major General and Deputy National Chief of Police Dr. Zsolt Halmosi at the building of the National Police Headquarters on Teve Street. During the visit, the heads of the National Police Headquarters informed the Ombudsman about the police measures that have become necessary as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and the directing system of these measures operated by the National Police Headquarters.
2020. április. 14.

The Ombudsman Visited the Border Crossing Point at Parassapuszta

On 14 April 2020, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma paid a visit to the Ipolyság-Parassapuszta border crossing point. The Ombudsman, accompanied by Director of Police Complaints Department Dr. Domonkos Wildner, surveyed the control of freight traffic crossing the Hungarian-Slovakian border. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, both Hungary and Slovakia closed its borders from foreign citizens. The border crossing point at Parassapuszta is currently one of those common border crossing points which are open for international road freight transport and cross-border commuters during the state of danger.
2020. április. 14.

Message of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on World Health Day

In the extraordinary emergency situation caused by the current pandemic, we express our gratitude to those tirelessly working in healthcare day after day. Those professionals, however, whose perseverance is now being widely reported in the news, do their best not only in the current circumstances – in fact, they hold the fort all the time. Thus, it is important for us to learn to appreciate health each day of our life, and also, to value the resolve, patience and care demonstrated by those working in healthcare, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma underlined on the occasion of World Health Day.
2020. április. 07.

The Message of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on the Occasion of World Autism Awareness Day

In these unprecedented times, we must not forget about those people who live with autism and those families who raise children with autism. In fact, in this extraordinary situation, they are the ones who can teach us a lesson about determination, patience and care, and who can show us how to adopt new perspectives. What terrifies us the most is what we do not know enough about, this is why it is important to become acquainted with the unique perspective of people living with autism – Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma has pointed out on the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day today.
2020. április. 02.

Communication from the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary and his Deputies

Budapest, 26 March 2020 – Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary; Dr. Elisabeth Sándor-Szalay, Deputy Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Nationalities Living in Hungary and Dr. Gyula Bándi, Deputy Commissioner for the Protection of the Future Generations in Hungary issued a joint statement on the issues related to the vulnerable groups of society due to the circumstances brought about by the global pandemic.
2020. március. 26.

Independent Police Complaints Board to terminate its operation on 27 February, responsibilities taken over by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

Pursuant to Section 145 of Act CIX of 2019 adopted by the National Assembly, the Independent Police Complaints Board terminates its operation on 27 February 2020, and its responsibilities will be taken over by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights. The reports to be prepared as a result of the Ombudsman’s inquiries into police complaints will be followed by an administrative procedure conducted by the police. After this act takes effect, the complainants may submit their petitions requesting the launching of inquiries to the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.
2020. február. 27.