Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary and Deputy Commissioner for Future Generations Visit Aggtelek National Park

On 16 April 2024, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and the Deputy Commissioner for Future Generations paid a visit to the Aggtelek National Park, where they held a professional meeting with the heads of the Board and the staff members of the Aggtelek National Park.
2024. április. 16.

Dr. Ákos Kozma Hosts Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Hungary

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma hosted Excellency, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Hungary Mr. Oybek Shakhavdinov in his office on 15 April 2024.
2024. április. 15.

Landscaping at Balassagyarmat-based Ipolypart Fészek Children’s Home

The modernisation of the Balassagyarmat-based Ipolypart Fészek Children’s Home, which is a part of the ombudsman’s children’s home renovation programme, continued with a landscaping effort. On 9 April 2024, the staff members of the Nógrád County Police Headquarters, the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, as well as the foresters of Ipoly Erdő Zrt planted as many as 250 shrubs, including privets, spiraeas, lily-of-the-valley shrubs and butterfly bushes. The shrubs were provided by the Nyírjes Non-Profit Organisation for Nature Conservation and Education.
2024. április. 09.

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Visits Tököl Remand Prison

Dr. Ákos Kozma and his staff members conducted an on-site inspection at the Tököl Remand Prison on 11 March 2024 in the framework of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). The Ombudsman was received by Prison Lieutenant General, National Commander of the Hungarian Prison Service Dr. Tamás Tóth, Prison Brigadier General, head of cluster 2, Governor of Budapest Strict and Medium Regime Prison Dr. Zoltán Bozsó, as well as Prison Colonel, commander of the institution Mr. László Salgó.
2024. március. 11.

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary holds bilateral coordination meeting with Ombudswoman of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

On 1 March 2024, Dr. Ákos Kozma paid an official visit to Luxembourg, where, among others, he met with the Ombudswoman of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Ms. Claudia Monti.
2024. március. 01.

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Hosts Heads of Hong Kong Correctional Services

Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary Dr. Ákos Kozma received Commander of the Hong Kong Correctional Services Mr. Kwok-hing WONG, Head of the Incarceration Department of the Hong Kong Correctional Services Mr. Siu-hang CHAN and Governor of Tai Tam Gap Prison Mr. Kee-hang NG and their delegation at his office on 28 February 2024. The meeting was attended by Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters, Lieutenant General Dr. Tamás Tóth, as well as Deputy Director General for Security and Incarceration, Major General Mr. János Schmehl.
2024. február. 28.