Press releases - AJBH-EN
Ombudsman Takes Stand on Foreclosure Procedure
The missed foreclosure procedure whereby the foreclosure objection was not submitted to the court by the predefined deadline caused an impropriety in relation to the requirement of legal certainty and the right to fair administration of official matters, as well as to the right to legal remedy, as was established by Ombudsman Dr Ákos Kozma in his inquiry.
2021. September. 22.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Takes Stand in Relation to Handling a Public Interest Disclosure
The local government of the municipality of Nagytarcsa caused an impropriety in relation to the right to petition and the right to fair administration of official matters, as well as to legal certainty while handling a public interest disclosure, Dr. Ákos Kozma established in his inquiry. The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights asked the mayor and the town clerk concerned to take action in order to prevent the future occurrence of improprieties such as the ones exposed.
2021. September. 10.
Board of European Ombudsman Institute Holds Meeting in Budapest
The Board of the European Ombudsman Institute (EOI), which Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma is also a member of, held its first meeting this year in Budapest on 13 August 2021.
2021. August. 13.
Ombudsman Takes Stand on Handling Public Interest Disclosure
In a case related to livestock rearing, the town clerk of the Common Local Government Office of Kiskunhalas caused a fundamental-rights-related impropriety relating to legal certainty and fair authority proceedings while handling a public interest disclosure that had been submitted to her – concluded the Ombudsman. Dr. Ákos Kozma asked the town clerk to take action in order to prevent the future occurrence of improprieties such as the ones exposed.
2021. August. 11.
Statement of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on Government Decree on Order of Planned Medical Treatments, Rehabilitation Care and Planned Invasive Procedures in State of Danger
According to the position of Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the Government has reacted in a quick and meaningful way to the findings of his report No. AJB-3479/2021 on the necessity of PCR and rapid antigen tests and the prescription of their self-financing in the case of elective medical interventions. The government decree on the order of planned dental treatments, rehabilitation care and planned invasive procedures in a state of danger is a clear manifestation of the fact that the Government pays particular attention to reviewing the fundamental rights-related aspect of legislative issues during the state of danger as well, and that it is open to conducting a meaningful discussion on the proposals put forward by the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.
2021. August. 06.
Commissioner and Ombudsman for Future Generations Take Stand in Relation to Providing Selective Waste Containers for Church-Maintained and Independent Schools
Providing selective waste containers free of charge is necessary and legitimate also for church-maintained and independent schools, concluded Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and Dr. Gyula Bándi, Ombudsman for Future Generations.
2021. August. 06.
Statement of the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities on International Roma Holocaust Memorial Day
As the Deputy Commissioner for the Rights of National Minorities, I regard it as my responsibility to commemorate the life-changing events in the history of the communities of national minorities living on the territory of Hungary. Each year, it is my sad obligation to pay tribute to the half million European, and among them, several tens of thousands of Hungarian Roma victims of the Holocaust on the occasion of the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day.
2021. August. 02.
Ombudsman Takes Stand on Requirement and Funding of PCR and Antigen Tests related to Certain Medical Interventions
The currently effective law does not contain any requirements regarding the mandatory performance of PCR and antigen tests as the precondition for receiving rehabilitation care and elective interventions. The principle of the rule of law is thus violated by the inappropriate level of regulation and the uncertainties in content, as was established, among others, by Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma, related to his inquiry into an individual complaint.
2021. July. 30.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Takes Stand on Launching a Case on Establishment of Paternity and Approval of Adoption
In the currently effective regulation, it is not ensured that the public guardianship authority, which acts in matters of adoption, is notified of the launching of a paternity case that concerns a certain child in each case, as Ombudsman Dr. Ákos Kozma concluded after he had inquired into a related complaint. The Commissioner requested the competent ministry to clarify the respective statutory provisions.
2021. July. 29.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Takes Stand on Enforcement of Freedom of Expression
The person exercising executive power is entitled to act against the expression of any opinion by the employees that violates or threatens the employer’s specific interests, however, in the actual implementation, complying with the statutory regulations, the enforcement of the principles of the rule of law and the freedom of expression, as well as the observation of the appropriate formal requirements are also fundamental constitutional criteria, as was pointed out by Ombudsman Dr. Ákos Kozma after his inquiry.
2021. July. 23.
Ombudsman and Deputy Commissioner for National Minorities Take Stand on Police Measures Taken as Part of Intensified Control
A complainant objected to the police measures (identity check, frisking, mobile phone control) taken against him, in his view, because of his Roma nationality, and he also expressed his concerns about the intensified control that was used as the legal basis for such measures. He also complained that his personal data had been recorded despite the fact that the identity check was not followed by any further police measures or procedures.
2021. July. 22.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Takes Stand on the Prevention of Suicidal Behaviours in Children and Adolescents
At the moment, the recognition of potential suicidal behaviours in children and adolescents and the efficient prevention thereof are hindered, and the rights of children may be violated due to the lack of appropriate professional regulations and practices related to the tasks of school psychologists, who fulfil the role of “gatekeepers”, as was concluded by the Ombudsman. This is why Dr. Ákos Kozma proposed that a specific working group be set up for this purpose by the competent ministry.
2021. July. 21.